Humanity Powered Mobility

Shaping the future of Used Cooking Oil (UCO) supply chain underpinned by disruptive technology

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We supply UCO for downstream BioFuel creation. Our proprietary technology provides traceability and accountability of the entire value chain.

With the global push towards sustainable energy solutions, 2nd generation biofuels (2G Biofuels) have emerged as a promising pathway to mitigate carbon emissions and pave the way for a greener future. However, one of the key challenges impeding their rapid growth is the securement of adequate feedstock. In particular, the scarcity of reliable and traceable Used Cooking Oil (UCO) feedstock has been a critical roadblock in the journey towards sustainable energy production. Here's where Byufuel comes into play. With over two decades of experience in energy, agriculture, and supply chain operations, we have passionately come together to form Byufuel, a groundbreaking venture solely dedicated to addressing the UCO feedstock challenge. Our primary mission is to unlock the untapped potential of 2G biofuels in the countries with the highest UCO potential across Asia, South America, and the rest of the world


We are global player in collection of Used Cooking Oil

Used Cooking Oil Collection

We collect used cooking oil from you at the click of a button. We check the quality and you know instantly what you be paid.

Digitizing Waste Management

Our unique technology platform gives you complete track and tracebility of the UCO from source to destination.

UCO Processing and Export

Our state of the art facilities will store, process, certify and export all possible thanks to our digital platforms.

Why Choose Us?

Reliable supplier of UCO offering predictability, quality and traceability

Predictability of UCO Supply

Data driven collection from diverse suppliers from industrial scale plants to street vendors and individual households

High Quality Standards

BYUFUEL proprietary methodology, storage and filteration process comibined with industry leading certification allows to guarantee the right quality

End-to-End Traceability

Our technology app provides end-to-end traceability of UCO collected from diverse suppliers with appropriate tracking and documentation.

Get in Touch


160 Robinson Road, #14-04 Singapore Business Federation Center, Singapore, 068914

Send us your query anytime!